Alltech offers the most complete range of turbocharers, accessories, and parts in the country! We are New Zealand Master distributor for all the major turbocharger brands such as Garrett Advancing Motion, BorgWarner Turbo Systems, Cummins Turbo Technologies, IHI Turbochargers and MHI Turbochargers. Our facility is designed to stock a large variety of turbochargers for both petrol and diesel applications, our process makes it seamless to get you the right product, and our experienced staff will make sure that you get the best value possible.
Turbo Servicing & Repairs
Our experienced team has the technical knowledge and parts to handle all your turbocharger maintenance, repair or overhaul needs.
As New Zealand’s leading turbo distributor our commitment to precision servicing of turbo equipment follows that matches the build quality set by turbo manufacturers themselves. The standard turbo manufacturing processes involves multiple stages of assembly and balance-testing, meaning the ability of your typical turbo servicing company to return a damaged turbo to near-new condition is severely limited.
The Conventional Servicing Method
This will usually involve balancing the bare compressor/shaft/turbine then reassembling the turbo with no further testing. The reality of this method is that it fails to allow for the need to balance the entire core assembly – the failure to do so can lead to severely reduced service life.
The Alltech Method
Our approach tests the entire core assembly as if it were operating on the vehicle. Balancing the complete core reduces the vibrational load on the turbine shaft to well under 1G – typical of that found on a brand new turbo.
The red line in the graph below represents a turbo that has been conventionally shaft-balanced and reassembled. At 100,000RPM the shaft is experiencing over 6 times the force of gravity experienced by a brand new turbo.
The blue line represents the load on the shaft after complete-core balancing: the difference is clear to see.

Our Equipment
Here at Alltech we’re continuously investing heavily in servicing and test equipment to ensure that we are able to provide the best specialist turbo services you will not find anywhere else.
Our Facility
Our comprehensive facility and well organised infrastructure makes for a rapid turnaround while allowing us to consistently achieve an excellent quality end result for all our customers. This benefits not only our direct customers, but also other companies around the country outsourcing work to Alltech.

Our process
We start by carrying out a thorough clean and component inspection process to ensure that the parts used are as close as physically possible to new condition. Without this attention to detail there is little chance of producing a quality long lasting result. This alone is often sufficient to differentiate our service from other reconditioners.
Following initial assembly the rotating components of the turbo (turbine wheel, compressor wheel and minor components such as thrust collars) the assembly is then dynamically balanced using a computerised balancer. This provides the location and amount of material that needs removing or adding to the assembly to bring it into balance.
Once the assembly is balanced it is then assembled into the bearing housing to produce a complete CHRA (Central Housing Rotating Assembly, otherwise known as the Core). To check and adjust the balance of the final assembly one more process is undertaken:

Alltech then utilizes the only vibration sorting rig bench in New Zealand. The VSR Bench is designed to spin the complete turbo assembly at real-life operating speeds, graph the loads on the turbine shaft and display the angle at which the imbalance is occurring. This allows the shaft to be re-balanced without disassembly and ensures a precise knowledge of the state of the turbo being refitted to the customers vehicle. How effective is it? The graph above is genuine before and after data from a reconditioned turbo – the use of the VSR bench has lowered the maximum loadings on the shaft by a factor of eight and a half and average loadings by over six and a half!